The following is one of a series of short devotionals based on my book, “God’s Love for You.”

God has all the time in the world for you, and cares deeply about your wellbeing.
“And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.” (Luke 12:28 NLT)
I have often met individuals who feel that deep down, very few people care about them. Sadly, this is a common problem in our busy western culture where we seem to have lost the ability to switch off from our 24/7 world, or where switching off means turning to a phone or tablet instead of having real conversations with real people. The lonely are becoming lonelier despite all our modern means of communication.
People may not always have time for one another, but God has all the time in the world for you, and cares deeply about your wellbeing. You are incredibly valuable, having been made in God’s image. You have a divine streak in you which God wants to cultivate into something beautiful! The Bible is full of accounts of God’s love for his people which speak volumes of how much he cares. A shepherd who left ninety-nine sheep to search for one who was lost. A father who welcomed his son back after he had taken his inheritance and squandered it. A Father who sent his only Son to die for you so that your relationship with God might be restored.
Think of someone or something you care about. How do you show your love and care for that person or possession? Now consider the fact that God loves and cares about you even more than you care for that person!
I absolutely love flowers. If people give them to me, I take great care of them, trimming the stems, mixing in the flower food, changing the water regularly and making sure they have the right light. Even when they start to wilt, I try every trick in the book to keep them going until eventually they need to be thrown out. Luke 12:28 reminds us that if God cares for the flowers of the fields, whose life span is so short (I’m thinking of tulips because they rarely last a few days without flopping over and dropping petals!), how much more does he care for you and me? Flowers have such a temporary life span and yet God has blessed them with such beauty and glory even though they only last a few days.
Your life span is much longer than that of a flower. How much more beauty and glory do you think God has blessed you with? How much more care has he put into you my friend? If he cares so greatly for temporary life that fades, how much more does he care for eternal life that will one day enter his glory? That life is yours!
Not only does he care for you, but he sees beauty within you. You are far more valuable than the most exquisite flower in all of creation. God sees the beauty and potential he placed in you. He sees the gifts he has given you and the treasure he has placed in you (2 Corinthians 4:7). He also sees what you will become even though you may not see that yet. Furthermore, he has promised to meet all of your needs and to be with you always. As Peter said in his first letter, “”Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7) My friend, love does not abandon its most cherished possession!
PRAYER: Lord open our eyes to this truth that we are not temporary fading beings like flowers of the field, but eternal beings destined for glory in your presence! May this give us confidence for our life in the here and now, knowing that you care infinitely more than we can imagine. Thank you for your love and care and that we can indeed give all our worries and cares to you. In Jesus Name, Amen