He who holds the fledglings in the palm of His great hand,
Grooms the wings that He designed like fluffy feathered fans,
He who feeds them daily from Earth’s own natural stores,
Protects and watches over them as wind and loud storms roar
He who lifts them from the nest and teaches them to fly
Holds them safe within the air and hears their every cry,
Will hold you safe and keep you strong when life feels overwhelmed,
Will bring you home to safely nest within His loving realm
For you are precious to His heart much more than little birds,
You are one whose prayers and cries your Father’s heart has heard,
You are held within His palm, surrounded by His love
You, His Child are loved and safe, protected from above!
Do not fear the world’s unknown, when life feels insecure,
Do not fear the wind and storms that blow with hostile roar,
Consider then the tiny birds who sing their joyful praise,
Singing for the One above who governs all our days.
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6: 26)
© Anne Herridge 2020